Free Job Posting Malaysia! No Credit Card Required!

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You’re here to hire. We are here to help.

Tons of Advanced Features Available for Free! is a free job posting board and free job advertising website for employers and recruiters to reach more talents!

We are always be a free job ad posting site that bring secure & safe free vacancy for job seekers!

  • Free Job Submission

    Unlimited Job Post for Free!

  • Details Job System

    Reach suitable jobseekers with details information

  • Quiz System

    Have quiz/questions when candidate applying your job.

  • Google Job

    Auto submit your job to Google Job to reach more jobseeker for free!

  • Job Management

    Advanced & simple to manage all your job easily!

  • Application Tracking

    All candidate application is tracked

  • Application Mgmt

    Manage your job applicants easily

  • Scheduling System

    Schedule meeting & interview with your applicants easily!

  • Company Profile

    Have your own standalone company profile for free

  • Team Accounts

    Create accounts for your team to help manage your job

  • Follower System

    Jobseekers can follow your profile to stay tune for your opening!

  • And more!

    And more features available to help your hiring faster & easier!

Let's start publish Your Jobs For FREE!

Register & publish your job post in 5min!

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